🐈🐄The Cat & Cow pose (Marjaryasana & Bitilasana)



🐈🐄The Cat & Cow pose (Marjaryasana & Bitilasana) is an easy, gentle way to warm up the spine while it provides a gentle massage to the spine and belly organs.✨
The asana flow helps to relieve stress from menstrual cramps, lower back pain, and sciatica. The Cat & Cow pose increases flexibility of the neck, shoulders, and spine. The movement also stretches the muscles of the hips, back, abdomen, chest, and lungs.
This is a great pose for lengthening your spine and strengthening your core muscles. It is a great technique for all pregnancy stages🤰🏻 It will help strengthen your belly as it continues to grow and relieves the back. Furthermore, it allows for a better circulation of spinal fluids and blood.
It also will ease discomfort and help you prepare for labour ૐ

🐈🐄Cat & Cow Poses(MarjaryasanaとBitilasana)は、背中を温める簡単で穏やかな方法で、腹部などの臓器を優しくマッサージします✨
このフローは月経痛、腰痛、坐骨神経痛からのストレスを和らげるのに役立ちます。このポーズは首、肩、そして背骨の柔軟性を高め、腰、背中、腹部、胸部、および肺の筋肉を伸ばします。背骨を伸ばし、コアマッスルを強くするすばらしいポーズです👍🏻💫 妊娠初期から後期までできるアーサナで、背中全体を和らげ、髄液と血液の循環を良くします🤰🏻
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