Today our little princess became 70 days old !!


Today our little princess became 70 days old !! She moves her legs most of the time when she’s awake. I’m amazed how much she can move her legs so much!! I bet she will start to walk very early. And she is able to chase some objects which is constantly moving.
She also recognized who is mummy or daddy. This morning, when she woke up my husband took her on his lap and talked and played with her, she really loves that!! She was smiling all the time and sometimes looks like a she’s talking to her daddy. Especially in the morning she’s in a very good mood very happy cheerful baby.
Her sleep patterns are kinda evolving but it’s still little bit difficult to find a time for Yoga. This is challenging for me but once I started she’s usually pretty calm and watching me until I finish. So blessed 🧘🏼‍♀️
#postpartumyoga #yogamum #yogapractice #yogajourney #yogadaily #yogalove #yogaeverydamnday #yogaeverywhere #yogalifestyle #yogamama #yogalover #yogafun #postpartumyogi #yogainspiration #2monthsold #pregnancy #wonderfuljourney #yogaeveryday #loveyourjourney #yogafam #yogacommunity
#flexible #hamburg #産後ヨガ #ママヨガ #海外出産 #ドイツで子育て

I’m so happy to be back!!


Finally I get motivated to on the mat!! I’m so happy to be back!!
It’s been 2 months since this magical being joined our family.
How it’s possible that I feel like she just born like yesterday.
My delivery took 16 hours which I didn’t expected and I took PDA but didn’t work which I also didn’t expected.
It was super tough and can’t describe how painful it was but interestingly I almost forget how painful it was!!
Now I’m very healthy active happy mom but few weeks after the birth I was so weak physically and mentally, and very awkward due to hormones changing.
I feel so bad for my husband who had to face super moody wife every single day.
But we overcame a difficult period.
My daughter shows us what she can do and how quick she’s growing!!
The biggest growth of her is that she can fall asleep by her self!!
I’m so impressed and so happy!!
Do you know how much helps me if she can sleep even for 30mins by her self!!
I can do house chores so easily!! Anyway, my body still not fit as before so I try to keep doing slow gentle stretch and hopefully get back to fit body again soon!!
#postpartumyoga #yogamum #yogapractice #yogajourney #yogadaily #yogalove #yogaeverydamnday #yogaeverywhere #yogalifestyle #yogamama #yogalover #yogafun #postpartumyogi #yogainspiration #2monthsold #pregnancy #wonderfuljourney #yogaeveryday #loveyourjourney #yogafam #yogacommunity
#flexible #hamburg #産後ヨガ #ママヨガ #海外出産 #ドイツで子育て



#prenatalyoga #yogamum#yogapractice #yogajourney#yogadaily #yogalove#yogaeverydamnday #yogaeverywhere#yogalifestyle #yogamama #yogalover#yogafun #pregnantyogi#yogainspiration #9monthspregnant#35weekspregnant #thirdtrimester#pregnancy #wonderfuljourney#expectingmom #yogaeveryday#loveyourjourney #yogafam#yogacommunity
#flexible #hamburg #マタニティヨガ #ママヨガ #海外出産 #ドイツで子育て


🌸Happy International Women’s Day🌸



If you ask me who your female role model is? The answer is my grandma. She is so powerful, delightful, cheerful and a super confident woman. She traveled the world by herself, back then at her age I think that’s really brave to do. She always told to little me how beautiful the world is and how important it is to see with your own eyes and to meet different people all over the world. I got inspired from her a lot so when I was 31 years old I decided to quit my job and travel to Europe by myself. It was just the beginning of the most incredible journey of my life🌏. I left so many things behind which was not so easy for me but now I have confidence that my decision was right!!! Soon it will be my turn to tell my daughter, to encourage her to become a strong women.
Don’t doubt your beautiful power and we are stronger than you think!!
Dear my adorable daughter your daddy and I got your back forevermore 👶🏻💕
🌸Happy International Women’s Day🌸
#internationalwomensday #iwd2019#grandma #delightful #kimono#believeinyourself #germany #hamburg#momtobe #motherhood #adorable#32weekspregnant #9monthspregnant#thirdtrimester #lifeasmama #着物きておしとやかに見えるけど木登り名人として小学校で表彰された #七五三 #着物 #海外生活 #妊娠9ヶ月 #妊娠32週 #ドイツで子育て #国際結婚 #海外出産 #とっても幸せ💝

I feel 💩


It’s 9 months pregnant!! 32 weeks!!
I don’t wanna write negative staff but I also don’t wanna pretend like I feel super great coz since yesterday I feel 💩. Is it coming from hormones changing? Or nervous for the birth? Maybe both🤷🏻‍♀️
I can’t sleep well coz my tummy getting bigger and bigger and have small problems with breathing...all of my organs pushing up by the uterus. It makes my heart burn a lot and kinda obstacles breathing🤢.
If you ask me “Are you happy or not?” I definitely will answer I’m HAPPY!! But at the same time I feel upset and somethings distracting me. Hard to describe but hopefully this 💩feeling go away soon 🤣
I miss my family and friends in 🇯🇵😢
今週から9ヶ月目に突入、32週🤰🏻🌸💕しかし、ハッピーな気持ちとは真逆な気持ちがやってきた😳全く何もしたくないし、完全引きこもり状態w 雨が横なぐりに降りしきる天気の悪いハンブルクに、更にこのやる気のなさ💩なんなんだこの無性にイライラする感じわ🤯まさに、ちゃぶ台をちくしょー!って叫びながらひっくり返したい気分だ。夜は寝れないし、寝れたとしてもすぐ足つるし、これもホルモンの仕業なのか😑🤢⁉️妊娠初期に悪阻とともにこんな日もあったけど、久しぶりに心が重たくてしんどいわ〜😫🥺💦家族も友達もいない完全アウェーなこの地で出産とか不安になってきたなぁ🤰🏻👶🏻💦まぁ、こんな日もあるわな。はぁ〜、頑張れ私‼️
Yoga mat: @lotuscrafts_meditation
#prenatalyoga #yogamum #yogapractice#yogajourney #yogadaily #yogalove#yogaeverydamnday #yogaeverywhere#yogalifestyle #yogamama #yogalover#yogafun #pregnantyogi #yogainspiration#9monthspregnant #32weekspregnant#thirdtrimester #pregnancy#wonderfuljourney #expectingmom#yogaeveryday #loveyourjourney #yogafam#yogacommunity
#flexible #hamburg #マタニティヨガ #ママヨガ #海外出産 #ドイツで子育て



Yoga mat: @lotuscrafts_meditation
#prenatalyoga #yogamum #yogapractice#yogajourney #yogadaily #yogalove#yogaeverydamnday #yogaeverywhere#yogalifestyle #yogamama #yogalover#yogafun #pregnantyogi #yogainspiration#8monthspregnant #31weekspregnant#thirdtrimester #pregnancy#wonderfuljourney #expectingmom#yogaeveryday #loveyourjourney #yogafam#yogacommunity
#flexible #hamburg #マタニティヨガ #ママヨガ #海外出産 #ドイツで子育て

29 weeks has just started !! Only 11 weeks left🤱🏻


29 weeks has just started !! Only 11 weeks left🤱🏻Hard to believe that time flies so quickly.
I am looking forward to seeing and holding my baby in my arms, but I feel somewhat emotional when I think that she will be no longer in my tummy 😢
This feeling made me realize that I should enjoy every precious moments and the rest of pregnancy 💓
My friends often ask me whether I feel anxious having a birth overseas? There is anxiety indeed, but every time I do yoga, I feel a deeper and sharper connection to my baby. That makes me feel less anxious. I feel blessed to be able to do yoga everyday 🧘🏻ૐ
Yoga mat: @lotuscrafts_meditation
#prenatalyoga #yogamum #yogapractice#yogajourney #yogadaily #yogalove#yogaeverydamnday #yogaeverywhere#yogalifestyle #yogamama #yogalover#yogafun #pregnantyogi #yogainspiration#8monthspregnant #29weekspregnant#thirdtrimester #pregnancy#wonderfuljourney #expectingmom#yogaeveryday #loveyourjourney #yogafam#yogacommunity
#flexible #hamburg #ママヨガ #海外出産