


Clarity of mind means clarity of passion, too; this is why a great and clear mind loves ardently and sees distinctly what it loves 😉ૐ
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🐈🐄The Cat & Cow pose (Marjaryasana & Bitilasana)



🐈🐄The Cat & Cow pose (Marjaryasana & Bitilasana) is an easy, gentle way to warm up the spine while it provides a gentle massage to the spine and belly organs.✨
The asana flow helps to relieve stress from menstrual cramps, lower back pain, and sciatica. The Cat & Cow pose increases flexibility of the neck, shoulders, and spine. The movement also stretches the muscles of the hips, back, abdomen, chest, and lungs.
This is a great pose for lengthening your spine and strengthening your core muscles. It is a great technique for all pregnancy stages🤰🏻 It will help strengthen your belly as it continues to grow and relieves the back. Furthermore, it allows for a better circulation of spinal fluids and blood.
It also will ease discomfort and help you prepare for labour ૐ

🐈🐄Cat & Cow Poses(MarjaryasanaとBitilasana)は、背中を温める簡単で穏やかな方法で、腹部などの臓器を優しくマッサージします✨
このフローは月経痛、腰痛、坐骨神経痛からのストレスを和らげるのに役立ちます。このポーズは首、肩、そして背骨の柔軟性を高め、腰、背中、腹部、胸部、および肺の筋肉を伸ばします。背骨を伸ばし、コアマッスルを強くするすばらしいポーズです👍🏻💫 妊娠初期から後期までできるアーサナで、背中全体を和らげ、髄液と血液の循環を良くします🤰🏻
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Pigeon pose



Pigeon pose is one of my favourite yoga poses. This hip-opener is perfect for relieving lower back tension, stretching the groin and psoas muscles and one of the best poses for sciatica🌿✨ It creates a deep hip and thigh stretch and is an excellent choice to follow up on after challenging strengthening poses. For pregnant women, it is ideal for releasing tension in the hips and lower back. 
Since few weeks ago, I have lower back pain which I never had before becoming pregnant🤰🏻
As the uterus expands, it shifts the center of gravity and also stretches out (and weakens) the abdominal muscles, affecting the posture and putting strain on the back. It may also cause back pain if it's pressing on a nerve. Plus, the extra weight I’m carrying means more work for my muscles and increased stress on the joints, which is why the back may feel worse at the end of the day🧘🏻‍♀️ૐ
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As a mom-to-be, it's essential to make sure that you're drinking enough water 💧💦

In early pregnancy, drinking  water made me feel nauseous. So I tried some different kind of non-caffeine tea, then I chose Barley tea because it doesn’t make me 🤢and to keep me hydrated enough👍🏻✨

Barley tea is a popular drink in Japan, Korea, and China that is widely believed to provide health benefits.

Barley tea provides the required amount of calcium, magnesium, iron and potassium that is important for your body. It is also rich in dietary fiber, which helps to prevent issues like constipation and hemorrhoids. These are medical conditions that could occur during pregnancy.

Barley tea has the capabilities to lower inflammation in the stomach, flush out the toxin from the body, and safeguard the body from all kinds of infections.🙆🏻‍♀️ૐ



妊娠初期、特に悪阻がひどい時はお水の味が気持ち悪くてかなり困りました🤢 ノンカフェインのお茶をいくつか試してみて、小さい頃から飲み慣れている麦茶だと気持ち悪くならなかったので今でも毎日の水分補給は麦茶を飲んでいます👍🏻✨


麦茶は胃の中の炎症を抑える効能があると言われていて、 体から毒素を洗い流し、あらゆる種類の感染から体を守ってくれるそうです🙆🏻‍♀️ૐ


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I got really nice and cozy Yoga pants but none of them fit anymore...😅 My tummy is getting bigger and bigger everyday.
I’m really amazed by how much my tummy skin can stretch out!! Fortunately, I don’t see any stretch marks anywhere on my hips, thighs and tummy (the areas where stretch marks most often appear).
But!!!! It’s still 7 months 🤰🏻so it might come later but so far it looks fine 👍🏻💕
I didn’t do any exercise for 4 months in early pregnancy, because I didn’t feel like it at all 🤢... then I lost muscle a lot!!
Apparently, if I continue to do gentle exercises such as Yoga, swimming and walking, it helps to prevent stretch marks !!🧐 That’s motivating !!
Exercising promotes anti-oxidants and gives us good blood flow, which is really important for stimulating new collagen. Recovering is much better when we’re exercising.
And don’t forget to drink plenty of water and keep your skin moisturized🥤💦✔️
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Unable to sleep...Insomnia is a common problem during pregnancy, a problem that I’m having now😬
Since I got pregnant I can’t breathe well, a feeling like there is not enough oxygen in the air. It feels like I need pure oxygen directly into my nose🤣
And I also have prenatal rhinitis, which started from new year. Great start for 2019 isn’t it?!
So those problems made it difficult for me to fall asleep almost every night.
But last night was pretty easy and comfortable to sleep.
I believe that Yoga helps to fall asleep easily.
It is well known that Yoga can improve physical strength and flexibility, reduce stress and enhance mental focus.
A new study indicates that Yoga can help to improve sleep among people suffering from chronic insomnia.
Do calming Yoga everyday will help you wind down for a good night’s sleep 😴 ૐ .
#prenatalyoga #yogagirl #asana#7monthspregnant #24weekspregnant#secondtrimester #pregnancy#wonderfuljourney #expectingmom #yoga#30minyogaeveryday #loveyourjourney#mindfulliving #happytuesday#waxingcrescent #flexible #hamburg#ineedanewyogamat #毎日30分ヨガ #マインドフルリビング #ヨガ #海外生活 #ドイツ#ハンブルク #マタニティヨガ #妊娠7か月 #妊娠24週 #胎動

A wonderful invitation



I remember vividly when I got a wonderful invitation to the new journey of our life,
right after our 1 year marriage anniversary. 
To our pleasant surprise, we are going to become parents!! We’re very pleased to announce that I’m expecting a baby this spring🤰🏻
Pegnancy is such a miraculous journey, however it is by no means a comfortable experience to go through. In the first trimester, I had some common pregnancy problems like morning sickness, unable to sleep and heartburn and so on...
I felt too flashed and uncomfortable practicing Yoga which made me stop.
After a 4 month long break, I decided to start Yoga again, to ease physical discomfort and prepare for labor.
Recently, I’m constantly aware of my baby inside me. My baby’s kicks and twists give me so much energy and encourage me everyday. But I’m also very nervous, because it’s my very first time experience🙄
Since I’m practicing Yoga, I believe that Yoga helps me relax and also find the strength to enjoy my wonderful journey to move ahead🧘🏻‍♀️ૐ
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