



As a mom-to-be, it's essential to make sure that you're drinking enough water 💧💦

In early pregnancy, drinking  water made me feel nauseous. So I tried some different kind of non-caffeine tea, then I chose Barley tea because it doesn’t make me 🤢and to keep me hydrated enough👍🏻✨

Barley tea is a popular drink in Japan, Korea, and China that is widely believed to provide health benefits.

Barley tea provides the required amount of calcium, magnesium, iron and potassium that is important for your body. It is also rich in dietary fiber, which helps to prevent issues like constipation and hemorrhoids. These are medical conditions that could occur during pregnancy.

Barley tea has the capabilities to lower inflammation in the stomach, flush out the toxin from the body, and safeguard the body from all kinds of infections.🙆🏻‍♀️ૐ



妊娠初期、特に悪阻がひどい時はお水の味が気持ち悪くてかなり困りました🤢 ノンカフェインのお茶をいくつか試してみて、小さい頃から飲み慣れている麦茶だと気持ち悪くならなかったので今でも毎日の水分補給は麦茶を飲んでいます👍🏻✨


麦茶は胃の中の炎症を抑える効能があると言われていて、 体から毒素を洗い流し、あらゆる種類の感染から体を守ってくれるそうです🙆🏻‍♀️ૐ


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