第1チャクラ Muladhara


Name: Root chakra 

Color: Red color

Place: Base of Spine, on Perineum 脊髄の基底部

Mantra: LAM

Energy: Kundalini, कुण्डलिनी  (人体内に存在する根源的生命エネルギー。 宇宙に遍満する根源的エネルギーであるプラーナの、人体内における名称であり、シャクティとも呼ばれる。)

When the root chakra is functioning optimally (最適に機能している), you feel grounded, secure, and at ease with the world. But when it is imbalanced or blocked several signs can manifest (現れる), from constipation(便秘) to back pain and fatigue(疲労).

Additional physical and psychological signs can include:

•Feelings of insecurity
•Sexual dysfunction
•Eating disorders

Essential oils:

•Angelica (Angelica Archangelica)
•Cedar, Atlantic (Cedrus altantica)
•Cedar, Himalayan (Cedrus deodora)
•Frankincense (Boswellia carteri)
•Linden Blossom (Tilia vulgares or T. europeae)
•Myrrh (Commiphora myrrha)
•Patchouli (Pogostemon cablin)
•Spikenard (Nardostachys jatamansi)
•Veitver (Vetiveria zizanoides)